#p <o>physicist<nat>British<o>math<n>Isaac Newton<b>1642 Dec 25<d>1727
#p <nat>French<o>math<o>physicist<n>Pierre Maupertuis<aka>Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis<b>1698 Jul 17<d>1759 Jul 27<c>Paris<mov>1746<c>Berlin<info>Maupertuis was the foremost proponent of Newtonian science in France in the 1730s, when Cartesian science was dominant there.
#p <o>physicist<nat>Swiss<n>Daniel Bernoulli<sur>D. Bernoulli<b>1700 Feb 8 (N)<d>1782
#e <t>exp<d>1736<n>earth's oblateness measured<au>Maupertuis<info>Maupertuis measures earth's obalteness, as predicted by Newton, by comparing the period of a pendulum in Sweden to that in France.
#p <o>physicist<nat>German<n>Albert Einstein<b>1879 Mar 14<d>1955 Apr 18<c>Germany<mov>1894<c>Switzerland<mov>1910<c>Prague<mov>1918<c>Germany<mov>1933<c>U.S.
#p <o>physicist<nat>German<n>Max Born<b>1882 Dec 11<d>1970 Jan 5<c>Germany<mov>1933<c>Cambridge
#p <o>physicist<nat>Dutch<n>Peter Debye<b>1884 Mar 24<d>1966 Nov 2<c>Holland<mov>1905<c>Germany<mov>1939<c>U.S.
#p <o>physicist<nat>Danish<n>Niels Bohr<b>1885 Oct 7<d>1962 Nov 18<c>Denmark<mov>1943 Jun(6)<c>Sweden<c>Britain<mov>1943 Aug(6)<c>U.S.<mov>1945<c>Denmark
#p <o>physicist<nat>Austrian<n>Erwin Schrödinger<b>1887 Aug 2<d>1961 Jan 4<c>Austria<mov>1938(2)<c>Ireland<mov>1956<c>Austria
#p <o>physicist<nat>British<n>William Bragg<b>1890 Mar 31<d>1971 Jul 1<c>Australia<mov>1908<c>Britain
#p <o>physicist<nat>French<n>Louis de Broglie<b>1892 Aug 15<d>1987
#p <o>physicist<nat>American<n>Arthur Compton<b>1892 Sep 10<d>1962 Mar 15
#p <o>physicist<nat>Austrian<n>Wolfgang Pauli<b>1900 Apr 25<d>1958 Dec 14
#e <t>theory<au>Young<n>interference of light waves<d>1801 Nov 12
#e <t>disc<n>electric current deflects compass<d>1819<au>Oersted
#e <t>theory<n>all magnets are created by electric currents<d>1820(2)<au>Ampère
#e <t>theory<au>Carnot<n>the Carnot cycle<d>1824
#e <t>pub<au>Ampère<tit>Theory of Electrodynamic Phenomena<d>1827
#e <t>disc<n>magnetic induction<aka>dynamo<d>1831<c>Britain<au>Faraday<info>current can be induced by a moving magnet
#e <t>theory<au>Helmholtz<n>First Law of thermodynamics<d>1845(5)
#e <t>exp<au>Fizeau<n>speed of light measured to within 4%<d>1849
#e <t>theory<au>Clausius<n>Second Law of thermodynamics<d>1850
#e <t>exp<d>1850 Apr<n>light is slower in water<au>Foucault<info>Foucault showed that light travels slower in water than in air, refuting the corpuscular theory of light. Fizeau independently confirmed this finding 7 weeks later.
#e <t>inv<d>1851 Jan 8<n>Foucault's pendulum<au>Foucault<info>The swing plane rotated, showing earth's rotation. It was demonstrated during the spring of the same year at the Panthéon by invitation of Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte.
#e <t>inv<d>1852<n>gryoscope<au>Foucault<info>Foucault built the gyroscope in order to demonstrate latitude-independent evidence of earth's rotation.
#e <t>use<d>1862<n>80-cm reflector<au>Foucault<info>Foucault built an 80-cm reflector telescope for the Marseilles observatory.
#e <t>exp<d>1862 Sep<n>c within 1%<au>Foucault<info>Foucault measured c within 1% of the modern value.
#e <t>theory<au>Clausius<n>definition of entropy<d>1865
#e <t>theory<n>laws of electromagnetism<d>1873<au>Maxwell
#e <t>exp<n>Michelson-Morley experiment<d>1887<info>This experiment refutes the existence of an ether
#e <t>disc<n>radio waves<d>1888<au>Hertz
#e <t>exp<n>electron's charge-to-mass ratio<d>1897<au>J. J. Thomson